NOVEMBER 9, 2024


When: 2nd Saturday of every month; Bible study at Barbara's home  
Time: Saturday morning at  10:00 for Praise and Worship, and Bible Study,
and Praying for people's needs.

  Join us for a time of fellowship, music and revelation teaching 
from GOD'S Word, with lunch afterward.


   At "FREEDOM STREET" you have the opportunity to learn about GOD’s power and healing by listening to the daily radio program "Call To Freedom", and by ordering booklets, CD series and the Pow'r Pack on the Resources page. Monthly "Call To Freedom" meetings are posted on this page, which includes the toll-free phone number you can call to get through on the daily radio program "Call To Freedom".  Barbara welcomes your comments and prayer requests, Monday - Thursday at 1:00 PM on 670 KLTT Radio. Just call 1-877-917-7256 to reach Barbara on her live! show at 1:00 PM.  Friday is an encore show with Derin at 1:00 PM. Listen to repeat broadcasts at 10:15 pm, 2:30 am, and 5:30 am. Also she can be heard at 11:00 am on 1220 KLDC. Barbara takes calls from listeners on every subject in the Bible.  She wants you to experience the abundant life that JESUS promised in John 10:10b.
     If you have ever contacted traditional outlets such as churches and clinics to get answers for your spiritual needs and if you have found those experiences to be negative, frustrating, disappointing, hurtful and expensive, or have gone to teachers, counselors, pastors, etc. with questions and have not gotten answers, "Call To Freedom" radio program gives you the “Good News” of the Gospel.

    John 3:16 tells you that  GOD  loves you so much that He gave His only begotten Son that if you would believe on Him, you would not perish but have everlasting life.  And if that isn't enough, GOD wants you to be an Over-comer in every area of your life, and to become a witness to those around you - a Fruit Bearer.  John 15:16 tells you that you didn't choose Him, but He chose you and appointed you to go forth and BEAR FRUIT and that your fruit should remain, and whatever you asked of the Father, in JESUS' Name, He will give it to you. That's a powerful statement and one that GOD wants you to live-out in this world.

  When you become a Believer in JESUS Christ, your heavenly Father will become your Deliverer and your Healer.  In fact, GOD will show Himself strong in your life as JEHOVAH JIREH - your Provider, as JEHOVAH SHAMMAH- the LORD Who is near, JEHOVAH RAPHA - your Healer, JEHOVAH TSIDKENU - your Righteous-ness, JEHOVAH RAAH - your Shepherd, and JEHOVAH SHALOM - your Peace.  He will be everything that you need Him to be, and He will rescue you out of every impossible situation because nothing that you’re going through is too difficult for GOD! (Jeremiah 32:17)  This is the most exciting time in the history of the world, and GOD wants you equipped for every good work and every situation that comes up! 

   If you are looking for an answer today, you may need to pray a prayer of repentance.  If you have, and you are a Believer, Praise GOD! But if you are uncertain where you would go when you die, this is a great time to invite JESUS into your heart.  This is a prayer that you may want to say right now:  "Dear JESUS, I haven't come to You before; in fact, I've ignored You most of my life.  I confess that I'm a sinner; I've done some pretty rotten things in my life, but I've heard that You're a garbage Man, and so I come to You and give myself to You, right now...with all my faults, and with all my inadequacies...and all my garbage. 
I confess right now, with my mouth that I'm making You my LORD;  I believe in my heart that GOD raised You from the dead.  With that confession I believe that I am 'Born-again.'  Thank You, JESUS, for washing my sins away and GIVING ME A BRAND NEW HEART and A FRESH START IN
 LIFE!  Help me to get into Your Word and become a strong Believer, in Your Name, Amen."

If you prayed that prayer, you're 'Born-again'.  Congratulations!  II Corinthians 5:17 tells you that you are now a "New Creation"; old things are gone and new things are going to happen to you!  You are now in full-time Bible school, as you begin your studies in the Bible.  If you will go to the Bible Guide, you can down load monthly Bible readings.  Do it now, get a good Bible translation, and begin your wonderful journey of living for JESUS.
   If you are a Believer but have lots of problems and physical pain, let Barbara know by e-mailing her at [email protected], and let her pray for you.  "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much!" (James 5:16)  GOD wants you whole - spirit, soul and body so that you can do the work that He has called you to - in the strength of the Lord and the power of His might, so call Barbara at 1-877-917-7256, and she will call you back, or call her on the LIVE! show at 1:00 PM MST every day Mon - Thursday.

Thank You for visiting Freedom Street!
May GOD Richly Bless You and keep you safe!

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