Derin Carmack Remembered:




    All my life I had encountered a spirit of fear - a phantom that was dark and foreboding. It wasn’t until 1978 that I did anything about it. Up until that point, it seemed that everything I tried seemed to end up failing.  I had worked hard to get a BA and a Master's Degree, but even education did nothing for that inner hunger that had dogged me all my life.  I had grown up as a preacher's kid, but found religion to be powerless and void of that peace that I so longed for.  Finally, I realized I needed help.  This strong, self-determined man needed help!  I flew to the West Coast to meet with a ministry who I knew could help me and they did! That afternoon in 1978, as they prayed for me I saw a black basketball-shaped spirit of fear leave me, never to return again. That prayer changed my whole life and catapulted me into an inner-freedom and teaching ministry.  I had freedom that I wanted every Believer to experience!

   In 1982, I was to be interviewed on a TV. station in Oklahoma and after the interview, the phone lines were jammed for another hour.  That interview turned into a daily “live” talk show - “Derin’s Coffee Shop” which became one of the fastest growing Christian talk shows in the U.S.A.  GOD was gifting me to discern problem areas in people’s lives and through inner-freedom prayers, I was seeing GOD set people free through the power of JESUS' Blood and the super-natural working of Holy Spirit!  People were listening to these healing prayers over 120 radio stations across the U.S.A., Hawaii and the Caribbean.
   GOD wants you set free from the bondages of the devil and He wants you to know the power and glory that is available to you.  "With men it's impossible, but not with GOD for all things are possible with GOD!" Mark 10:27
I want to remind you that before you came to JESUS, your flesh was in control.  Then, when you accepted JESUS as your Savior, you got a New Spirit (Ezekiel 11:19, II Corinthians 5:17), and now your spirit is retraining your mind, and your mind is getting your flesh in submission to your spirit and you're learning to operate as a King's Kid!  Roman 8:6 explains:  "The mind set on the flesh is death; the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace!"   That New Spirit gives you right standing with GOD, as explained in II Corinthians 5:21, "He Who knew no sin became sin on your behalf that you might become the righteousness of GOD in Christ JESUS!"  JESUS took your sins, and now He sees you as righteous.  It's nothing that you did but everything that JESUS did, and through His shed Blood on the cross...by Faith, you are now a New Creation!  Now, you've got to get your body and mind in submission to your spirit:  "...present your body a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto GOD which is your reasonable service of worship; and do NOT be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...." (Romans 12:1-2)  I want you to learn to conform to the things of the Spirit; that's my deepest desire for you!

  Derin may not be here in the physical, but his anointed teaching is still affecting the Body of Christ.  JESUS is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and His promises and His teachings are the same as when Derin was on this earth.   And now at this time there are new needs and more fearful enemies in the spirit than ever before. “Freedom Street” Resources will help you grow, and "Call To Freedom" daily "live" radio programs with Barbara, are here for you; she will listen to your questions, your needs, your hurts, your anxieties - your heart cries, and give you answers and breakthroughs through the power and anointing of prayer and counseling.  GOD is truly able to deliver you from every evil force and every demonic attack on your life!
 Barbara is carrying on the work that she learned from Derin and...she's here today to tell you that "GOD's Power is not limited" (Numbers 11:23), and “...nothing is impossible with GOD!” (Luke 1:37)  You can experience Freedom and do the work of the Kingdom on the earth!  JESUS came that you might experience Abundant Life because “It was for freedom that JESUS set you free; so stand firm and be no longer subject to a yoke of slavery!” (Galatians 5:1) GOD truly desires that you be victorious in every area of your life, to be steadfast in Faith.  GOD bless you as you grow in Him!
   You will find that www.freedomstreet.org is here on the internet...for YOU!  I'm here to talk with you and pray with you about things that are keeping you from your full potential. You see, “FIRE AND REIGN MINISTRIES” tells you that GOD has created you by the FIRE of His Holy Spirit, to REIGN as kings and priests on this earth to “rule and reign with power and dominion!” (Genesis 1:28, John 14:23 & Revelation 1:6)
    GOD gave man authority to rule and reign as priests and kings on this earth; that's quality living.  If you would like to know more about ruling and reigning on this earth, go to Resources and order the booklet written by Derin called, "Seven Steps To Inner Freedom".  It will bless you and help you to grow and become mighty in the Word and a winner with the Body of Christ!  "Cast not away your confidence for it has a great reward!"

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